Sunday, July 10, 2011

This is one of my (temporary) dogs

bruno is very tolerant of having a camera in his face.

house/dog-sitting is the best!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

@ Okemo Mountain, Ludlow VT

Yesteterday afternoon I was playing around with 'Color Accent' mode on my
Canon S3 IS camera, and having just selected the yellow center of a daisy to
emphasize, a bee landed right on the flower I was focused on about a foot
from me. I'm extremely happy with how these turned out!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Good morning

Cool!  I can upload pictures directly to the blog from my phone.  You'll be seeing lots of pics of corn-in-progress shortly!

First impressions

Welcome.  I'm starting this blog primarily to test a few apps on my gtablet.   It probably won't be very exciting, and riddled with typos I may or may not edit later.  That's a winning combination!

That warning aside, I do plan on musing on films, music, gardening as the urge strikes.  Feel free to chime in.

This also may evolve into the often-discussed archive of calamari reviews that my girlfriend and I have tossed around for the last year.  I haven't looked, but I'm guessing the internet is pretty light on squid-centric blogs, right?